Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Back to Quarks II

The Resonaances discussion of the $4$ sigma CDF bump points out an intriguing peak around $275$ GeV, suggested as a potential origin for the bump. Is this a sign of a new top quark, such as a mirror quark? At the fixed top quark Koide scale of $23$ GeV, the top masses lie around $275$ GeV for a range of candidate mirror phases, such as $(\pi/2 - 2/9)/3$, using Dave's $r$ parameter for the phase. In fact, the phase $\pi/2$ gets us close to $275$ GeV. Recall that mirror quarks might be suggested by the existence of mirror neutrinos, whose known phases are used to confirm the MINOS measurement of their mass differences.

But would we not already have observed lighter mirror quarks? In the abovementioned Koide triplet, the lightest quark has a mass of roughly $14$ GeV. As always, nothing is nearly as massive as the top, or its mirror. For small Koide phases, using Dave's $r$ parameter, the top mass is around $150$ GeV. Something to ponder.


  1. Dave, could you put more phase points on the slider? It skips right over $\pi/2$.

  2. Marni, how can you tell the difference between a 4th generation and mirror top and bottom?

  3. Daniel, as I said over at Resonaances, since our scheme is non local, one cannot immediately compare it to any of the popular schemes based on local techniques. In the braid catalogue, mirroring comes from switching braid crossings, whereas generation is associated to information dimension and strand number. Very different things.

  4. Hi Marni, I cleaned up the applet and added the ability make the angle pi/2 OR .222222047.
    Hope you like the new look!

  5. That's great, Dave! Thanks.


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