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Resonaances: an anomalous
asymmetry at
LHCb in $D^{0}$ decays (to kaons and pions)! Excellent! It is not clear how to estimate the measured quantity with the Standard Model, so some will say the large asymmetry is due to incorrect assumptions, rather than new physics. In a sense, this is correct, but a reformulated Standard Model based on non perturbative physics would be new physics, by my definition. At present the result is at $3.5 \sigma$, so now LHCb will analyse the result with further data, eventually reaching $5$ sigma if the effect is real. The result:
This is just the kind of new physics that we can expect at the LHC, although this measurement has not been analysed well anywhere with suitable non perturbative techniques.
ReplyDeleteActually, this little Higgs paper looks interesting ...
ReplyDeleteTut, tut. So now CERN is reading my blog again. Yes, I knew that this kind of new physics would show up at LHCb, just like I knew there were no fairies or zombies or extra smelly gauge bosons. No, nobody has calculated this particular measurement. One day, when the SM is finally DONE PROPERLY, using quark mixing with scale dependent parameters rather than some moronic running coupling constant, then we will probably get the right bloody answer ...
ReplyDeleteWhat's your problem with a running coupling constant? That is a "scale dependent parameter".
ReplyDeleteMitchell, that's the parameter one uses when does not understnad what is going on. That is just where the problem is!