There are many ways to parse
the bounds on $\eta /s$, but
Riofrio's fractions suggest

recalling that the baryon fraction $\Omega_{b} = 1 - 3/ \pi$. The lower bound, a dipole measure, originally comes from the pioneering
QGP paper on the
strongly coupled $N=4$ SYM theory. As we know, this theory is commensurate with
braid physics. Triality is presumably responsible for the factor of $1/3$, since dipoles are the only polygons without area.
I just made a post suggesting that you might get Louise's numbers from an N=8 supergravity cosmology. But I forgot to include one of the more interesting papers I found, which suggests you can get a time-varying fine-structure constant in such a cosmology!
ReplyDeleteMitchell, I warned you. NO more bullshit links. Why not get your own blog? I am talking about a NEW cosmology, not a vaguely all right conventional Stringy or Supergravity one. A cosmology that makes sense, and is simple.
ReplyDeleteOK, but keep an eye on that thread. I just found another paper about N=8 sugra, which talks about RG flows in M2-branes (i.e. 2+1 dimensional spaces, such as are suitable for braidings) being controlled by three mass parameters! N=8 sugra amplitudes come from combining two sets of N=4 amplitudes. Stringy references to dark matter and dark energy can be interpreted geometrically and hence algebraically. I consider this complementary to what you are doing, though whether it is literally the same thing, or whether there's some subtle but crucial difference, remains to be seen.
ReplyDeleteYes, Mitchell, this is all pretty exciting! I do not deny that, and what you say is most certainly relevant. But I would like to think that I am an advocate of the subtle and crucial differences.
ReplyDeleteNow don't forget the Bern et al color kinematic duality, which is mentioned in my last paper. There is your doubling.